When deciding on a web host, find a company that has flexible plans that can suit a variety of requirements. When your site is new you may not have a very good idea of the type of resources or services it will require. So there is no point in paying for more than you need.
Be sure your host allows easy upgrading later on. One of the best ways to go is with a HostGator coupon.If you need more storage space, or more bandwidth capacity, or add on features such as shopping carts or database capabilities, your host should be able to accommodate you without any downtime or the necessity of moving your site from one location to another.
That way you only pay for services you actually need, and you will have the flexibility to expand your account as greater needs are required. If you need additional services later, you can buy them then.
Normally an entry level HostGator 25% off web hosting coupon code package will include up to 100MB of storage space and 10GB of monthly transfer capacity. This is more than enough for most personal sites or small business sites. Personal web hosting packages like this are available for as little as $1.95/mo. with no initial setup fees. If you plan on uploading a lot of photo images, chances are you will need more space. In that case you should look at a more substantial hosting package.